Secret Frustrations
Do you know that millions of people are trying to commit suicide every
single day but when they appear on public they put the smiley faces &
pretending nothing is happening behind the scene? Few days ago i was having a
conversation with my friends & i was little bit shocked when i discovered
one of my friends having been attempting to commit suicide several times. l
believe one or few people reading this article have been or are trying to
commit suicide due to their secret frustrations. Dreams & expectations have
a flip side which is disappointment & this can lead to secret frustrations.
Sometimes things doesn’t happen when we need them to happen & it hurts when
you are expecting something but you don’t get it which therefore leads to
secret frustration.
How can you stop secret frustration?
1. Tell people what’s hurting you inside
lf something is bothering me l usually talk with my positive friends l
trust & ask for their advice. Several relationships or marriages have been
saved by visiting councilors who are specialized in human relations. Ask your
closest friends or God for advice rather than carrying the burden in your
2. Don’t try to change people
One of the mistake l had when l was growing up was trying to change people
& most of the time l ended up having secret frustrations when l noticed
they cant change. Later on l discovered that you cannot change someone but they
will change when they feel the need to change. Trying to change people will
result in hurting yourself & the person you are trying to change will grow
to hate you. Just let people be themselves, accept who they are without trying
to change or control them.
3. Stop doing what you don’t want
ln my life l have noticed that when you are doing something for the love of
money instead of passion you will end up living your life in secret frustration
because you will not be happy. l am the happiest guy on earth because l love
doing what l am doing. l love writing, making music, playing sports, meeting
new people & i always find a way to turn my passion into profit. Remember
we are here on earth for a limited period of time, if you don’t love your
career, partner or something slowly shift to the direction you want your life
to go.
4. Forgive
Forgive people or forgive yourself for the past mistakes you have done in
life. Having a grudge, hateful behavior or any negative vibe will only affect
you not the person you hate. Negative emotions are bad for your health thus why
many people are suffering from sickness. When you are forgiving someone it doesn’t
mean you have to go & tell them or starting hanging around with them. You
can even forgive someone by your heart & free yourself from negative vibes. Be like a bird, it
leaves the entire burden before it flys away.
ln conclusion we all face different challenges in life every day but what
matters the most is how you are going to respond to those circumstances. See
the glass as half full not half empty. Chose to be positive instead of being
negative. Focus on solutions not on problems. Choose positive friends who can
support & motivate you. Live your life with passion & forgive.
Wherever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dreams. lf you find this article useful feel free to share with your friends....
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