Nice guys always finish last : Manginas [Part 2]
My articles of being MR nice guys are not encouraging people to be bad but many people misunderstand the difference between kind & nice or humble & nice. They are people who are being exploited every single day because everyone is taking advantage of their niceness. Many people are getting pushed to do things that they don’t like because they are just too nice to say NO. In life we should never aim to be nice but to love one another.
Break the nice guy stereotype by:
1.Ignore people’s opinions
Everyone you meet in life has an opinion of how you should live your life but those same people they don’t have any clue of what they should do with their own lives. You should be free to make your own decisions & no one should tell you how to live, how to dress, which career to choose or when to get married. Develop your self-esteem, confidence, courage & live your life independently with passion. This is no joke this is real life. Learn to be self-reliance & don’t be manipulated by selfish people who want to take advantage of your kindness. Break that nice guy thing & become true to yourself. People will respect you for who you are rather than being a people pleaser.
2.Break the rules
Have you ever noticed that when you tell a kid not to do a certain activity he will keep on repeating the same behaviour tomorrow? Why because rules were meant to be broken but if there was no rules there would be no problem. No smoking areas, don’t go to campus without wearing shoes, do not walk on the grass signs, do not drive without license—they are all negotiable. Nice guys sit waiting all night for the right time to execute a first kiss but a real alpha male walks over to his prey without invitation, leans in, and kisses her deeply. In bible Psalms 82:6 it tells us that we are small gods, so this is your planet, and the only rules worth obeying are the ones you make.
3.Take risks & live dangerously
Nice guys are called nice guys because everything they do they try to play it nice. I have noticed that nice guys are the ones who get cheated because they are even boring to hang around with. In my world, craziness & insanity is the new happiness. Live life on the edge without being stressed about tomorrow or about the outcome. Live dangerously without regret. Danger is such an exciting thing for women to see men experiencing, and it really puts you above the rest of the competition. Crash helmets are for nice guys!
4.Create your own identity not being Mr nice guy
Whatever you do should be clearly definable rather than just nice. Whenever people compliment you that you are wearing a nice dress or thus a nice picture you should get worried because you are already exposed as target to bullies & other manipulating people by playing nice guy stereo type. Next time your outfit should be sexy or formal not nice because to the human mind what brings pleasure to you does not to the other. What is appealing to you is not to someone else. Be clearly definable not nice
5.Have real guts
If you see her walking alone or walking with her group of friends & you like her go & talk to her. Don’t wait for her to be alone, go & disturb the conversation she is having with her friends & talk to her. From my experiences I have noticed confidence is one of the major turn-ons for women. Don’t be scared to offend. Be loud, be crass, be whatever you want to, and show that you are not afraid of showing the world exactly who you are!
Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dream. Feel free to like, share or comment with your opinion & l will join you in the discussion.
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