The word “BUT”

Every time l make a conversation with someone, I have notice that they can’t spend 3 minutes without using the word “BUT”. For example, you can hear someone saying, “Of course GZ I want to be successful BUT the economy of our country is so bad so I can’t make it.” You can listen to someone contributing to the conversation, “GZ One day I want to travel around the world BUT I don’t have the money.”

Almost everyone l meet they keep on using the word “BUT” as a way to make an excuse or to avoid doing something which they know they must face.You are giving an excuse about the current economy but in 2008 or 1992 the economy was worse than the current. Don’t live life like a victim making excuses every day.Take charge of your own destination! Don’t let anyone or anything turn you around, face it &conquer it.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with a boy from my hood. He was telling me about his dreams of becoming a fashion designer. He added, “Honestly I want to become a fashion designer “BUT” I don’t have the education so that I can go to college.” C’mon you fool what’s wrong with you? lf others can do it, you can do it too. Stop giving excuses, you are still 17 years old but you are already living lifelike a victim, go & take the education & follow what’s in your heart.

Many people go in life pretending that everything is okay. They post fine pictures on social media pretending to be happy but they know that they have secret desperation they don’t want to reveal. They all pretend to want to be successful but if you look at their action & behaviour it’s totally opposite of what is coming from their mouth. If you want to start your own business or whatever you want to do in life, start doing some background research. Be involved, link up & connect with other people who you want to be like. People who have found out their passion& life purpose live longer than people who never discover it. Life is too short & unpredictable. Decide what you want to do right now & make a plan & steps of action instead of using the word “BUT”.
Do you want to know the effects of keep using the word “But”
1.       The word “BUT” is a blocking word. It makes you irresponsible of your own happiness & your own life.
2.       The word “BUT” it makes you avoid facing something which can change your life. You end up feeling guilty & abusing yourself with drugs instead of facing reality.
3.       The word “BUT” is a dream killer. You end up destroying your own identity & what you wanted to do since you were very young.
4.       The word “BUT” makes you procrastinate. You end up pushing dates expecting that things will be fine in future whilst you don’t know that right now is the right time.
5.       The word “BUT” makes you hide behind your fears. Instead of facing your fears & develop unstoppable confidence you make excuses& guess what? It does not affect me or the other person but it will affect only you!

ln conclusion, few days ago we went to the funeral with my friends & after that we went to the grave yard. We dag a deep hole & we buried the word “BUT.” We agreed that we will completely delete the word “BUT” in our vocabulary. Today it’s your choice whether to kill the word “BUT” or to keep on entertain it for the rest of your life since you now know its negative effects in your life

Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger support your dreams. If you find this article useful feel free to like or share with friends or comment with your own opinion l will join you in discussion

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