1. l am an alpha male

Nowadays it’s rare to find an alpha man because this soft generation is filled with nice guys, jerks & indecisive guys. In the world of love, lm like a Lamborghini. l know how to satisfy female needs & their secret desire without ass kissing behaviour

2. Most handsome rapper in the world
The truth is nobody wants to date a baboon. lf l say l am not the most handsome rapper in the whole world l will be lying both to you & to myself. lt does not take someone sitting next to you to tell you but you can feel it in your soul as soon as you meet me .if you don’t acknowledge that you might be suffering from low self-esteem, or depression & lack of appreciation. Besides that l have good dressing style & excellent grooming habits

3. Confident in myself
l am secure l  do not derive the sense of worth from what l own, who l know, where l live or what l look like although l am cute. Even before you talk to me you can actually see through my eye contact & body language that this dude believes in himself. lnsecurity, jealousy, approval seeking behaviour are not my qualities

4. Give you freedom to be yourself

You just do your things & l am cool enough to support you. ln addition to that, l have positive emotional stability. l don’t have a clingy behaviour, controlling behaviour or constant confrontation of where you are, what you are doing or who is this guy you are talking to because  l am confident enough that l can go & find another good loyal beautiful woman of my level.

5.  Source of inspiration
It does not do well to dwell on dreams & forget to live but I can live through you, making you what I never was, spreading joy in your heart, making you chase your wildest dreams. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you are at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you at your worst.

6. Weird & crazy
We can run a naked mile together. l can sneak you at the middle of night, taking you to a picnic & return you in the morning before your family is awake. We can rob some banks together.  l can paint you a perfect picture of your naked body. We can go & test cars we have no intention of buying.

7. Adventurous & unpredictable

Every girl knows that men who are entirely predictable are ultimately boring. But I can show you the world, a whole new world, a new fantastic point of view, a dazzling place I never knew, unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling, & every turn a surprise!

8. Loyal
l don’t cheat although lm on demand.

9. There is no one like me
Of course l am a muzik genius, multi-talented handsome man, WorldChanger, influential Christian but when a man is living his greater destiny, pursuing his goals with passion, clarity and confidence, he will never have a shortage of beautiful women who want to come along for the ride.

ln conclusion not every person in the world is going to like you! But l think if a girl doesn’t like me she has a spiritual husband & she must visit Prophet Magaya for deliverance....Remember, you are on this planet for a limited time & don’t let this opportunity pass you by. R.I.P. [Relationships ln Progress] ahahaha

For Public Speaking Gigs, Poetry Gigs & Music Live Show you can book GZ on
Email : gzworldchanger@gmail.com
Twitter : @gzworldchanger
Facebook : GZ Worldchanger

Music Performed by GZ 





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