Who are you?

I know this question might sounds silly to you but have you ever stop what you are doing & ask yourself who are you? Of course your name might be Jane or Lawrence but who are you? I am not asking you about your occupation, you might be a student, teacher, accountant or a soldier but if we remove your university degreeor the civil servant uniform you are wearing who are you?

Some of you spend more than 6 hours sleeping but you don’t know who you are!  You wake up in the morning & the first thing you do is to check your phone, going on social media, chatting, impressing people with your Facebook status but you don’t know who you are! You wake up every morning at 6am going to school, going to work but you don’t know who you are! You have invested your time into a relationship with someone but you don’t know who you are! You spend time with her/him, buying each other flowers, going on a date but you don’t know who you are! You follow every program on DSTV, downloading latest music, movies , fashion & searching  for pornography on internet but you don’t know who you are!

As long you spend much time with people, as long you follow other people & become a copycat, as long you spend more than 1 hour on Facebook every dayyou can never know who you are. You know everything about Jay Z &Beyoncé, you know everything about Kardashian sisters, you know everything Donald Trump posted this morning but you don’t know who you are.  You invest your energy writing a Facebook status trying to make people like you but you don’t know who you are! You never had aserious relationship in your life; you are always breaking up with girlfriends & boyfriends because you don’t know who you are! Once you start to know who you are you begin to separate yourself from the crowd. Thus the moment you begin to identify your life purpose, your talents, passions & making plans of action for things you want to achieve the next ten years.

How can you know who you are?

1.       Invest time in yourself alone

Give yourself one month or two or even a year! No watching TV, no going on social media, no reading negative newspaper, no hanging around with your broke friends & get to know yourself.  Even if you study the biographies of successful people like Steve Jobs, he went to India to be alone for a long period of time& the moment he came back to America thus when Apple was born. Even Jesus spent 40 days alone in the wilderness beforehe went & start his Christian ministry! Write down any ten skills you possess, write down 10 things you love doing, write down 10 things you love about yourself & get to know who you are. Your life purpose is in line with your natural talent & things you naturally love doing

2.       Ask God

Matthew 6:33 [NLT]  “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.  ”Sometimes we can be so busy about our lives that we forget the purpose behind it. We are driven by the demands of life and not realizing that God always has a greater purpose. Everything belongs to God &everything created by God has a purpose. You think God is stupid to create you without a plan. According to Jeremiah 1: 5 it says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This means before you were born God had already created your life purpose.  The bible tells us [Luke 2:41-52] when Jesus was 12 years old he already knew his life purpose. In life there is no right timing, today is the time! There are many people [like Jeremiah 1: 6]who gives excuses that they are too young or too old to do what they are born to do but it does not affect me it only affects you because it’s your life.

ln conclusion, If you don’t know who you are, one of your immediate goal should be to discovering your life purpose. “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky,

For Public Speaking Gigs, Poetry Gigs & Music Live Show you can book GZ on
Email : gzworldchanger@gmail.com
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Music Performed by GZ 





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