10 reasons why relationship or marriage end quickly
When you are in relationship or married to your lover of your dreams, everything is perfect until the day she/he tells you it’s over or lets sign divorce papers. Most of the time your lover doesn’t tell you the reasons for rejecting you. I am going to share with you 10 common reasons why women dump men according to my experience & observation :
1. lnsecurity
There are two ways people show their insecurity. First, Submissive behavior, second it’s arrogant. Please note that there is a different between confidence & arrogance. Avoid these two kinds of behavior it makes your lover lose attraction quickly.
2. Jealousy
Jealousy is kinda normal in relationship but it become a problem when it is too excessive. When you are jealousy you are displaying that you are not good to go & find another woman of your level thus why you have to guard her & hold on to this experience.Oh God!
3. Clingy Behavior
lmagine you are at a party, you keeps on looking at her & you are following her around like a puppy you don’t give her time to breath. Thus not attractive! Even if a girl does that to you, l dont think its sexy. Clingy behavior lead to breaking up of long term relationship.
4. Constant Confrontation
Fighting here & there & put each other on emotional roller coaster is health. But if you keep on fighting all the time, you are showing that you don’t have emotional stability & security. lf you don’t have control over your emotions, how are you going to provide security for your lover?
5. Controlling Behavior
Controlling behavior is monitoring her every move & asking some silly childish questions like, Where were you when l called you? Why are you doing this? Why are you not answering my calls? What are you doing here? That kind of behavior is boring & tiring. Soon your partner is going to want some space from you, finally she/he will dump you because you are becoming a burden.
6. Approval Seeking Behavior
Approval seeking behavior can be those little things you do with your body language that you don’t pay attention to. For example, laughing too loud to make her laugh too or being too nice to her like you. Little things like this can make you look like you are seeking approval. You are basically telling her, lm not good enough so let me do these things in order to impress you. (Check the article l wrote about 24 bad body language tips to avoid).
7. lndecisiveness
You are the man. You have penis. You are the leader. For example, if your girl asks you where we can eat the lunch, don’t reply that you don’t know it’s her choice. You are suppose to make decision quickly. Say something! Anything that comes out of your mouth whether it’s Chinese or Nxosa. lts better to make wrong decision than not to make a decision.
8. Competing with her
When you are competing with her, you are showing that you are not happy for her, you are not protective. When you are competing with her this shows that you are trying to put her into masculine form therefore she will start to lose attraction for you. Take care of her. Be happy for her. Support her. Don’t try to compete with her.
9. Ass kissing behavior
it’s a demonstration of low value. lt seems like you are not monitoring your push/pull value
10. Lack of satisfication
if you dont satisfy your girlfriend needs she will dump you. To ladies, if you dont satisfy your boyfriend needs, he will cheat you.
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