The art of quitting your job to become an entrepreneur
Around 2am in the morning & l picked up my phone & dialed my partner's number. To my surprise she was still awake busy working on her dream project. I explained to her that l will no longer work for someone again for the rest of my life because l had quitted my job. I waited for a couple of seconds expecting that she was going to react negatively like the way other fearful people reacted when l told them this exciting news. She was supportive & explained how she always believed in me.
Living in hell is when you know what you want in life or know where you want to be but you are completely going the opposite direction. l still remember every morning when l used to go to work, almost everyone in the taxi was looking miserable, low energy & behaving like they are going to prison sentenced for life. Why? Because you could actually see they are going to a place they don’t have passion & desire to go! Because they are not willing to RISK it.
My life changed when l decided to be an employer instead of an employee. I loved the challenge of raising capital rather than temporary happiness of receiving salary while enslaved. So what do you expect when you are quitting your job to become an entrepreneur?
1. People will criticise you
Relatives, family members & friends are the biggest obstacle to entrepreneurship. The moment you tell people your decisions & plans they will try to discourage you by putting their insecurities & fears on you, trying to convince how you are going to fail. When everyone is criticising you just know that you are doing something dump or you are about to make a history.
2. Second thoughts about doing it
When you decide to be an entrepreneur you have to fill your mind with reasons & why you are doing it otherwise you are going to quit. l faced different kind of challenges but quitting was never an option.
3. Your success is up to you
ln this journey you are the one who is in charge & you will decide how far you will go. Do it because of passion not for money. Go for the experience & adventure instead of security. Don’t give up when you are seeing no one beside you because at the top it’s lonely!
In conclusion, all the flowers of tomorrow are in seeds of today. You are going to fail & succeed in life & nothing stays the same forever. Ups & downs are the ones which gives excitement & joy to entrepreneurship.
Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dream. Feel free to like or share or comment with your opinion & l will join you in the discussion.
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