Seven Principles we can learn from Eagle

Back then before, I didn’t know that eagles are amazing birds until Dr Myles Monroe shared his wisdom about eagles with me & l decided to write it as an article.

1.       Eagles fly alone & at a high attitude. They don’t fly with sparrows or other small birds
-Keep good company, associate with positive friends & big visionary

2.       Eagles have a strong vision. They are able to see far
-Have the ability to visualize & make prompt decisions

3.       Eagles do not eat dead things. They always feed on fresh prey.
-Do not rely on past success; keep looking for new frontiers to conquer

4.       Eagles love the storm. The storm assures that the eagle will fly high.
-Face your challenges, knowing that these will make you emerge stronger & better than you were before

5.       Eagles test before they try.
-Test the loyalty & commitment of your friends & leaders in your team.

6.       Eagles prepare for training. They remove the feathers & soft grass in the nest so that the young get uncomfortable in preparation for flying
-Leave your comfort zone, there is no growth there.

7.       Eagles find a place of renewal. As they grow old, they go through a painful process of transformation. The eagle knocks its old beak on a rock to remove it. Once a new one grows it plucks its old feathers from its chest & wings & lives for another 30 years.
-Read books that will transform you. Watch things that will challenge & build you. Leave the world better than you found it

Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dream. Feel free to like or share or comment with your opinion & l will join you in the discussion.

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