Dealing with criticism

I doubt if anyone will reach a place where criticism doesn't hurt when it strikes. I have been criticized a lot in my life by people who misunderstand the purpose behind my actions. My sister criticized me for changing careers a lot. My auntie criticized me for dropping out of school. My work colleagues criticized me when l decided to quit the corporate world & be an entrepreneur. One of my friends criticized me for writing & posting these articles every Wednesday. The list goes on & l believe everyone has met criticism in their lives once, twice or on a daily basis. 

How can you deal with criticism

1 Ask yourself if the criticism is true

Was the person threatened by your extraordinary abilities or seeks to help you? If there is error, weakness or faulty you dont have to ignore your critics but you should be grateful. Proverbs 3:12 says The Lord warns the one he loves, even a father warns a son with whom he is pleased.      

2. lgnore false criticism
Some people are threatened, jealousy & envy because of your extraordinary abilities & uniqueness so they find reasons to criticize you. I still remember when one of my friend was indirectly criticize me because he could not come face to face when he spoke about how people are becoming teachers on facebook & writing articles on their page. I knew that was a silly jealousy criticism but l choose to ignore & kept doing what l was born to do. If the criticism is stupid & foolish, you can simply ignore it. 

3. Practice forgiveness on your critics

You can neutralize negative energy by positive energy through forgiving your critics. Last year l finished working on a brand new business idea & one of my family associates volunteered to invest 100% of the capital & be my business partner. I asked him to sign a partnership agreement but he did not agree so l refused his offering. When my relatives heard about it they criticize me for refusing the offer so l ended up pleasing them by doing business without any written contract. l designed a successful business model & the business began to take off but suddenly l was kicked out of business. When l tell  the story to my relatives who pressurized me to enter business without a contact everyone just cover their faces & remained silence. You cant do anything without proof or written agreement, so I turned to Luke 23:34 which say "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Resentment can cause resentment but you can win through forgiveness.

4. Dont be drawn into a web of hate

Never allow hate, like spiders, to spin its web around your soul. Whenever an insect gets trapped in a web, the spider immediately attack the insect filling its body with poison. Then the spider strengthen its web, preventing escape & make death guaranteed. Hate & criticism is like that. It weakens body & soul causing discouragement. You can only overcome hate by love so love your critics more than what you are doing right now. Luke 6 : 27  says “ Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

5. Refuse to strike back

When people get criticized, they put a defensive shield & strike back in fear of suffering defeat. Personally l have noticed that some people criticize you just to get attention & when you dont give them they simply fade away. Luke 6: 29 29 “If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other cheek also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them”. From my personal experience l have realized there is no way to justify yourself to your critics because they wont believe anything good you say about yourself. If you resist the enemy he will flee away

6. Dont be discouraged

When you allow yourself to become discouraged you are permitting your critics to determine the direction of your life. Discouragement is the most dangerous feeling in the world because it differentiate success from failure. One day a devil was selling tools on a table labelled hate, envy, violence etc. Apart from the rest, lay an old used tool which was highly priced than others labeled “discouragement.” When asked the reason, the devil replied “Because l can use this one more easily than others & no one knows it belongs to me. With this tool l can open doors that are closed tighly & once l get inside l can use other tools that suits me.” People can discouraged to the point of giving up. I have felt like quitting so many times & every move l made was criticized. I got blamed for what l never do & judged before l even started but with persistence & organized practical plans l overcome discouragement.

7. Use the power of prayer

Prayer has cleansing & lifting power. l apply it 3 times a day to keep the positive vibez flowing & shield myself from any form of negativity. Try it & see how your life transform.In conclusion, if you are not criticized you are not going anywhere in life.

It’s not a coincident that you are reading this message right now. Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dreams. If you find this article useful feel free to like or share with friends or comment with your own opinion l will join you in discussion.

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