Girlfriend VS Prostitute
One day l was going to Botswana & right next to me was a young religious guy who was determined to make me reborn & turn me into Christianity. He explained to me how l am supposed to be saved when Jesus Christ comes back again whilst he didn’t know that Jesus had already come back .We spoke about all areas of life until we finally begin a conversation about girlfriend VS Prostitute.
Rumors have been circulating that successful men stay single for long time but l personally believe it depends with the choice of a guy whether he wants to be in a relationship or not. When l was growing up l used to think that to be in a relationship or getting married is important until l realized l don’t need any of it. To cut long story short l personally believe prostitutes are better & funnier than having a girlfriend & be committed in a relationship because:
1. You can save time & money
When you are dealing with prostitutes, they are short & direct to business. There is no wasting time playing hard to get, no mind games, no wasting time & money on unnecessary dates, everything is short, simple & direct. lts good to spend 20-30mins with a prostitute & then go back to focus on your goals & passion & other things that bring meaning in life rather than spending whole day with a girlfriend wasting time & doing unnecessary activities.
2. No string attached
A prostitute is like a business partner & when you are doing business together there is no string attached. According to my research, people who deal with prostitutes are more happier & emotional stable than people who are committed in an emotional long term relationship. In addition to the above, you can deal with different players without investing emotions & then use that emotional energy to channel it towards your passions.
3. No stress & accusations
As l mentioned above that a prostitute is like a business partner, today you can deal with one business partner & tomorrow you can do business with a different partner without anyone accusing you of cheating or getting involved in stress & unnecessary drama.
4. No abusing each other
Lot of people are abusing each other using the name of love. l know people who are being drained emotionally & financially by people who are hiding behind the name of love. Other people seek control & power by breaking the law of human freewill using the fact that they are in relationship. When you are dealing with a prostitute everything is expected & agreed.
ln conclusion, seek the truth for yourself & l will meet you there.
Where ever you are & whatever you are trying to do in your life just know that GZ Worldchanger supports your dream. Feel free to like or share or comment with your opinion & l will join you in the discussion.
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